Personal Research

Personal Information Management X Messaging Apps  

Independent Study working with Leila Aflatoony   |   Fall 2020 - Present

Have you ever used a messaging app for something other than communication? Have you used it to remember an address? Or maybe a birthday? Or a recipe? Deeply inspired by my project Recollection, this human behavioral study seeks to uncover and understand the motivations we have in using messaging applications for information management.

Research with the Interactive Media Technology Center

Game Play in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Their Care Partners

Undergraduate Research Assistant under Maribeth Coleman   |   Spring 2020 - Present

Working with an interdisciplinary team of researchers to understand how to make enjoyable and empowering video games for older adults living with Mild Cognitive Impairment and their loved ones. Originally hired to make graphics, my role has evolved to include prototyping, developing study protocol, as well as helping run interview sessions.

MCI X Adherence

Undergraduate Research Assistant under Maribeth Coleman   |   Fall 2020 - Present

Working to understand how to develop home products that help adults living with Mild Cognitive Impairment and their partners. I aid in research sessions as a live doodler for virtual interviews.